I started to pray silently "Lord, bless her... I hope she has a great day..." Then the voice was a bit more direct: "PRAY FOR HER!"
I felt awkward, but I tried to strike up a conversation by saying "hello." She said "hello" back but didn't say anything else. I thought "well, I tried.. That's all I can do." Finally I turned to her and asked directly if I could pray for her. Then I noticed that her eyes were watering.
I'm thinking of signing up to a totally different experiential weekend in November called "Noble Man." It is a weekend run By women For men.
It is not specifically designed for SSA (same-sex attraction), but several of my friends have recommended it for help with relating to women and even possibly developing more OSA (opposite
sex attraction). That's the part of this whole journey that is still the
scariest for me - in part I don't yet have confidence that it's
possible. I
really need Faith on that.
The weekend was originally intended for OSA men (Opposite-Sex Attracted) who felt disempowered by women or had challenges in their relationships with women. Several of my SSA (same-sex attracted) friends have gone and said it helped them tremendously. They have highly recommended it. I think JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Healing) also co-sponsored this weekend a few times in the past.
I really appreciate your prayers this past week while I was at "Journey
Beyond" the advanced program for "Journey into Manhood" (JiM) grads. All
I'll say for now is that I just returned from the most AMAZING
ssa-healing experience ever! God made his presence known in a POWERFUL
way the past 6 days. It was a major healing experience for all of us.
cried (gallons) non-stop for four full days and then again last night when
I got home. About 1/3 of that was crying with and for others. I felt so
attuned to their wounds that I probably cried more for them than I did
when it was my turn. My whole face covered in snot - it was nasty. ;)
1/3 of the crying was a "draining of the swamp" for experiences and
losses I should have grieved 15-20 years ago. I had a lot of support
from the brothers there when re-experiencing that. Another 1/3 of the
crying though was tears of absolute JOY!
I can definitely
understand now why they didn't let me go last year. I would NOT have
been prepared to handle it in a healthy way a year ago. I felt like I and the others were well supported
though when we had to face our issues.
During one particular
process I was able to see and experience God walking with me through all
of the dark moments of my past -the worst of the wounds and the worst
of my sins. The times in my life where I felt I was the farthest from
God. It seems like he shined a brilliant light into those dark places (I
could see even the dark rooms I had been in back then being lit up with
a blinding light. Nothing was secret, but everything was being
restored. I really experienced first hand the way He has been able to
use those bad experiences for good and for fulfilling the work that He
has for me to do in affirming others and leading others to Him and
walking with them in their healing.